Guest Interviews
Jan. 22, 2017

The Coming Collapse of China?
Michael Auslin, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of the new book, “The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and the Risks to the World’s Most Dynamic Region,” on why the hype about China is just that, how Trump should handle the Asian region, and whether to worry about China fluffing its feathers over Trump’s overtures to Taiwan
Jan. 22, 2017

The Coming Collapse of China?
Michael Auslin, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of the new book, “The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and ... the Risks to the World’s Most Dynamic Region,” on why the hype about China is just that, how Trump should handle the Asian region, and whether to worry about China fluffing its feathers over Trump’s overtures to Taiwan Show more >
Michael Auslin, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of the new book, “The End of the Asian Century: War, Stagnation, and ... the Risks to the World’s Most Dynamic Region,” on why the hype about China is just that, how Trump should handle the Asian region, and whether to worry about China fluffing its feathers over Trump’s overtures to Taiwan Show more >
Jan. 22, 2017

The Economics of Trumpism.
Jordan Goodman, founder and CEO of DRPM Group, on what Trump’s economic policies actually entail, whether he might have more luck running Washington l... ike a business, and how Americans should structure their portfolio to face what’s coming Show more >
Jordan Goodman, founder and CEO of DRPM Group, on what Trump’s economic policies actually entail, whether he might have more luck running Washington l... ike a business, and how Americans should structure their portfolio to face what’s coming Show more >
Dec. 18, 2016

The Anti-Globalism Wave Rolls into Italy
John Rubino, publisher of & author of “The Money Bubble,” on Italy becoming the latest arena for an anti-globalist revolt, how ... the world’s elites don’t appreciate the uprising transpiring against them, why Trump can’t save America from the next economic crisis (and gold’s still set to soar) Show more >
John Rubino, publisher of & author of “The Money Bubble,” on Italy becoming the latest arena for an anti-globalist revolt, how ... the world’s elites don’t appreciate the uprising transpiring against them, why Trump can’t save America from the next economic crisis (and gold’s still set to soar) Show more >
Dec. 18, 2016

We the People vs. They the Gov’t
Dick Sim, author and former CEO and chairman of two NYSE-listed corporations, on the coming clash between the U.S., EU and the Middle East and Africa,... how disparities are fueling driving geopolitical changes, and his new book, “Freedom to Argue: We the People Versus They the Government” Show more >
Dick Sim, author and former CEO and chairman of two NYSE-listed corporations, on the coming clash between the U.S., EU and the Middle East and Africa,... how disparities are fueling driving geopolitical changes, and his new book, “Freedom to Argue: We the People Versus They the Government” Show more >
Nov. 13, 2016

America’s Dumbest Generation?
Christopher Koopman, senior research fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, on millennials’ unashamed embrace of the socialism label, th... e growing ignorance of communism’s dark history, and why digging through survey data reveals cause for optimism Show more >
Christopher Koopman, senior research fellow at George Mason University’s Mercatus Center, on millennials’ unashamed embrace of the socialism label, th... e growing ignorance of communism’s dark history, and why digging through survey data reveals cause for optimism Show more >
Nov. 13, 2016

Forecasting an Economy After Trump
Chris Whalen, senior managing director and head of research at Kroll Bond Rating Agency, on what Trump’s surprise victory will mean for markets throug... h the end of the year, what his first focus should be, and how his views on monetary policy will impact the larger global economy Show more >
Chris Whalen, senior managing director and head of research at Kroll Bond Rating Agency, on what Trump’s surprise victory will mean for markets throug... h the end of the year, what his first focus should be, and how his views on monetary policy will impact the larger global economy Show more >
Nov. 06, 2016

Donald Trump, The Comeback Kid?
Wayne Allyn Root, former Libertarian presidential candidate & author of “The Power of Relentlessness: 7 Secrets to Achieving Mega-Success, Financi... al Freedom, and the Life of Your Dreams,” on the latest developments into the FBI’s investigation of Hillary’s server and the Clinton Foundation; also, can Trump complete the comeback this Tuesday? Show more >
Wayne Allyn Root, former Libertarian presidential candidate & author of “The Power of Relentlessness: 7 Secrets to Achieving Mega-Success, Financi... al Freedom, and the Life of Your Dreams,” on the latest developments into the FBI’s investigation of Hillary’s server and the Clinton Foundation; also, can Trump complete the comeback this Tuesday? Show more >
Nov. 06, 2016

ObamaCare After Election Day
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former official at the FDA & current resident scholar at AEI, on the two possibilities for what happens with ObamaCare after... Election Day, the myths Obama is spreading about ObamaCare, and the death spiral many economists say the system is descending into Show more >
Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a former official at the FDA & current resident scholar at AEI, on the two possibilities for what happens with ObamaCare after... Election Day, the myths Obama is spreading about ObamaCare, and the death spiral many economists say the system is descending into Show more >
Oct. 30, 2016

What’s So Bad About an AT&T/Time Warner Behemoth?
Wayne Crews, VP for policy & director of tecnology studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, on what consumers will get from AT&T’s pro... posed purchase of Time Warner, whether Trump’s right too much power is being consolidated in too few hands, and why the feds should butt out Show more >
Wayne Crews, VP for policy & director of tecnology studies at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, on what consumers will get from AT&T’s pro... posed purchase of Time Warner, whether Trump’s right too much power is being consolidated in too few hands, and why the feds should butt out Show more >
Oct. 16, 2016

Busting the Inequality Myth
Edward Conard, former managing director of Bain Capital and adviser to Mitt Romney, on how free market advocates can regain control of the GOP, the up... side of more immigration, and his new book, “The Upside of Inequality: How Good Intentions Undermine the Middle Class” Show more >
Edward Conard, former managing director of Bain Capital and adviser to Mitt Romney, on how free market advocates can regain control of the GOP, the up... side of more immigration, and his new book, “The Upside of Inequality: How Good Intentions Undermine the Middle Class” Show more >
Oct. 16, 2016

What the FBI Didn’t Tell Us About Its Hillary Investigation
Ed Klein, #1 New York Times best-selling author and former editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine, on his new book, “Guilty as Sin: Uncovering... New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation” Show more >
Ed Klein, #1 New York Times best-selling author and former editor-in-chief of The New York Times Magazine, on his new book, “Guilty as Sin: Uncovering... New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation” Show more >
Oct. 02, 2016

Victims of Anti-Gun Laws
John Lott, economist & author of the seminal "More Guns, Less Crime," on the dangers of “gun-free zones,” how the Second Amendment could shape Nov... ember, and his new book, “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies” Show more >
John Lott, economist & author of the seminal "More Guns, Less Crime," on the dangers of “gun-free zones,” how the Second Amendment could shape Nov... ember, and his new book, “The War on Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies” Show more >
Oct. 02, 2016

Your Financial Adviser’s Illusion of Wealth
Doug Eberhardt, financial analyst and author, on why what most perceive as wealth is just an illusion, how to earn real returns in an era of ever-incr... easing uncertainty, and other tips from his new book, “Illusions of Wealth: Actively Manage Your Investments or Expect Losses in this Volatile Economy” Show more >
Doug Eberhardt, financial analyst and author, on why what most perceive as wealth is just an illusion, how to earn real returns in an era of ever-incr... easing uncertainty, and other tips from his new book, “Illusions of Wealth: Actively Manage Your Investments or Expect Losses in this Volatile Economy” Show more >
Sep. 18, 2016

The Apple vs. EU Showdown.
John Browne, former member of Britain’s parliament and a member of the UK Independence Party, on the EU’s attempt to extort Apple for $15 billion, why... Ireland doesn’t want the billions the EU says it’s owed, and how large international organizations like the EU undermine tax competition Show more >
John Browne, former member of Britain’s parliament and a member of the UK Independence Party, on the EU’s attempt to extort Apple for $15 billion, why... Ireland doesn’t want the billions the EU says it’s owed, and how large international organizations like the EU undermine tax competition Show more >
Sep. 18, 2016

America on the Brink
David Stockman, former OMB director & author of the best-seller "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America," on how the fed h... as hollowed out America’s economy, his prospects for a Donald Trump presidency, and his new book, “Trumped! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin … and How to Bring It Back” Show more >
David Stockman, former OMB director & author of the best-seller "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America," on how the fed h... as hollowed out America’s economy, his prospects for a Donald Trump presidency, and his new book, “Trumped! A Nation on the Brink of Ruin … and How to Bring It Back” Show more >
Aug. 28, 2016

Making Sense of America’s Mess.
Mark Davis, author and talk radio host, on his new book, “Upside Down: How the Left Turned Right into Wrong, Truth into Lies, and Good into Bad”
Mark Davis, author and talk radio host, on his new book, “Upside Down: How the Left Turned Right into Wrong, Truth into Lies, and Good into Bad”
Aug. 28, 2016

Souring on Our Soaring Markets.
Bo Polny, financial trends forecaster & publisher of Gold2020Forecast, on markets reaching all-time highs, gold’s golden year, and why all signs p... oint to a historic crisis in 2016 Show more >
Bo Polny, financial trends forecaster & publisher of Gold2020Forecast, on markets reaching all-time highs, gold’s golden year, and why all signs p... oint to a historic crisis in 2016 Show more >
Aug. 14, 2016

Clinton Cash, Cont’d
Peter Schweizer, author of the best-seller, “Clinton Cash,” on new emails revealing how the Clinton Foundation was used to help Clinton donors receive... favors from the feds, Hillary’s ties to Russian oligarchs, and the new edition of his book, “Clinton Cash: a Graphic Novel” Show more >
Peter Schweizer, author of the best-seller, “Clinton Cash,” on new emails revealing how the Clinton Foundation was used to help Clinton donors receive... favors from the feds, Hillary’s ties to Russian oligarchs, and the new edition of his book, “Clinton Cash: a Graphic Novel” Show more >
Aug. 14, 2016

The Future Failed to Deliver
Danielle DiMartino Booth, former adviser to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas & publisher of the financial forecasting service Money Strong, on h... ow the Jetsons’ shows America hasn’t lived up to our optimistic expectations for the future, why productivity is declining, and why all signs point to an imminent recession [Note: This segment should be the first hour] Show more >
Danielle DiMartino Booth, former adviser to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas & publisher of the financial forecasting service Money Strong, on h... ow the Jetsons’ shows America hasn’t lived up to our optimistic expectations for the future, why productivity is declining, and why all signs point to an imminent recession [Note: This segment should be the first hour] Show more >
Aug. 07, 2016

The Case Against the More Trade
Curtis Ellis, executive director for the American Jobs Alliance, on why Trump is right to lead the charge against the TPP, why Republican voters are f... alling out of love with free trade, and how Hillary is misleading on her actual plans for the TPP Show more >
Curtis Ellis, executive director for the American Jobs Alliance, on why Trump is right to lead the charge against the TPP, why Republican voters are f... alling out of love with free trade, and how Hillary is misleading on her actual plans for the TPP Show more >
Aug. 07, 2016

Tale of the Tape: Hillary vs. Trump on Taxes
Gerard Lameiro, author & engineer, on which candidate’s tax plan has the best shot of accelerating America’s economy, why the Trump candidacy sign... als the end of the Republican Party as we know it, and how Brexit is the start of a larger global rejection of the status quo Show more >
Gerard Lameiro, author & engineer, on which candidate’s tax plan has the best shot of accelerating America’s economy, why the Trump candidacy sign... als the end of the Republican Party as we know it, and how Brexit is the start of a larger global rejection of the status quo Show more >
Jul. 31, 2016

The Problem with Socialism
Tom DiLorenzo, author and economics professor, on the millennials’ disturbing embrace of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s socialist “solution” to soa... ring tuition, and his latest book, “The Problem with Socialism” Show more >
Tom DiLorenzo, author and economics professor, on the millennials’ disturbing embrace of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton’s socialist “solution” to soa... ring tuition, and his latest book, “The Problem with Socialism” Show more >
Jul. 31, 2016

The World Is $300 Trillion in Debt
Richard Duncan, author & financial analyst, on how the world over the last few decades has relied on debt-fueled growth, why Janet Yellen is going... to do everything she can to prop up the economy ahead of November, and his prediction of a historic crisis ahead Show more >
Richard Duncan, author & financial analyst, on how the world over the last few decades has relied on debt-fueled growth, why Janet Yellen is going... to do everything she can to prop up the economy ahead of November, and his prediction of a historic crisis ahead Show more >
Jul. 24, 2016

Being Pro-Choice on Financial Regulation
Andrew Langer, president of the Institute for Liberty, on a free market alternative to Dodd-Frank, the Financial CHOICE Act
Andrew Langer, president of the Institute for Liberty, on a free market alternative to Dodd-Frank, the Financial CHOICE Act
Jul. 24, 2016

Constitutional Creep
John Berlau, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, on the government’s plans to manage your IRA and 401(K) for you, how crowdfunding ... is reshaping the investing landscape, and how the SEC’s in-house kangaroo court makes a mockery of justice Show more >
John Berlau, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, on the government’s plans to manage your IRA and 401(K) for you, how crowdfunding ... is reshaping the investing landscape, and how the SEC’s in-house kangaroo court makes a mockery of justice Show more >
Jul. 10, 2016

'The New Prostitution Economy'
Brandon Wade, entrepreneur & founder/CEO of SeekingArrangement, on how a slowing economy is boosting growth in the sugar daddy market and how site... s like his are changing the nature of relationships Show more >
Brandon Wade, entrepreneur & founder/CEO of SeekingArrangement, on how a slowing economy is boosting growth in the sugar daddy market and how site... s like his are changing the nature of relationships Show more >
Jun. 26, 2016

Ranking the States
Eileen Norcross, senior fellow at the Mercatus Center, on her new study ranking states by their fiscal health, what the rankings say about effective p... olicy, and how it’s affecting population trends Show more >
Eileen Norcross, senior fellow at the Mercatus Center, on her new study ranking states by their fiscal health, what the rankings say about effective p... olicy, and how it’s affecting population trends Show more >
Jun. 26, 2016

The World After Brexit
Richard Williams, senior fellow at the Mercatus Center and former director at the FDA, on how insane EU regulations turned Brits against Brussels, the... long-term market impact of Brexit, and what comes next Show more >
Richard Williams, senior fellow at the Mercatus Center and former director at the FDA, on how insane EU regulations turned Brits against Brussels, the... long-term market impact of Brexit, and what comes next Show more >
Jun. 19, 2016

Liberty’s Last Stand
Stephen Coonts, author of more than a dozen New York Times best-selling books, on his latest, “Liberty’s Last Stand”
Stephen Coonts, author of more than a dozen New York Times best-selling books, on his latest, “Liberty’s Last Stand”
Jun. 19, 2016

Dissecting Donald’s Deal-Making Skills
Andrew Feinberg, author and former money manager, on whether Trump’s deal-making skills match his hype, a USA Today report alleging a history of stiff... ing his own workers, and, and assessing if he’s equipped to remake America Show more >
Andrew Feinberg, author and former money manager, on whether Trump’s deal-making skills match his hype, a USA Today report alleging a history of stiff... ing his own workers, and, and assessing if he’s equipped to remake America Show more >